Non-Standard Models of Peano Arithmetic
Informally, a model $\mathfrak{U}$ of an axiom system $T$ is an assignment of the symbols in $T$ to objects in $\mathfrak{U}$ such that every formula provable in $T$ is true in $\mathfrak{U}$. In other words, a model is a structure that fits the axioms of $T$. A familiar example is group theory, or GT, which has many models. Structures like the symmetries of an $n$-gon $D_n$, or the integers under addition $(\Z,+)$ are models of group theory.
In Peano arithmetic, the standard model is the structure we intended to study with PA: the natural numbers $\N$, with the successor function, addition, and multiplication defined in the usual ways. Interestingly, PA admits multiple models in the same way GT does.
Today we’re going to take a mostly-informal look at a non-standard model of PA. To start, we posit that there is an additional element $z$ distinct from all the elements we already know about. We introduce a new constant symbol $z$ to the language of $T$ and add countably many axioms stating that $z\neq 0$, $z\neq s(0)$, $z\neq s(s(0))$, etc. We know that the theory $T$ with the addition of our new axioms must have a model by the compactness theorem.
$z$ is an element of PA and has a successor $s(z)$, along with $s(s(z))$, $s(s(s(z)))$, and so on. You might think that this means our structure looks something like the ordinals, with $\{0, 1,2,\ldots\}\cup\{\omega,\omega+1,\omega+2,\ldots\}\cup\ldots$, but we can show that $z$ must have an infinite chain of predecessors as well.
We prove that in PA, every element is either 0 or has a predecessor. I will be using the inference rules and axiom abbreviations for first-order logic and PA from Halbeisen’s Combinatorial Set Theory (pp. 27 - 32).
So $z$ must have an infinite sequence of predecessors in addition to having as many successors. This means our model has at least one copy of something like $\Z$, all the elements of which are unreachable from the initial segment $\N$ through finite addition.
Now we consider multiplication. There will be additional copies of the $z$ segment, centered on $2\times z$, $3\times z$, and so on. Each of these segments is disconnected from every other; as an example, $2\times z=z+z\neq z+k$ for any finite k, and thus no number of iterated successor operations will get you from $z$ to $2\times z$.
At this point, our model looks something like $\N+\Z\times\Z$; a one-sided initial segment along with countably many two-sided segments which are ordered. However, there are even more copies of $\Z$ in this model.
We state without proof that every element in PA is even or odd. Then, either $z/2$ or $(z+1)/2$ must be an integer. More generally every $n\!\!\mod k\in\{0,1,\ldots,k-1\}$, so $(z+j)/k$ is an integer for some $0\leq j < k$. As before, any such element is unreachable by finite addition from any other segment. We end up with an unbounded, countable, dense, linearly-ordered set of $z$ segments. Any such set is isomorphic to $\Q$, so our model looks like $\N+\Z\times\Q$.
And finally, the application of incompleteness that we’ve all been waiting for. A statement $s$ in a consistent theory $T$ is called independent if:
- $T$ cannot prove $s$ or its negation
- $T\cup s$ and $T\cup\neg s$ are both consistent
By incompleteness, any sufficiently strong theory contains independent statements. A theory is consistent if and only if it has a model, so there are some models of $T$ where $s$ is true and some where it is false.1
We all know some independence results; the axiom of choice is independent from ZF, the continuum hypothesis is undecidable in ZFC, etc. But are are there any such statements that are “natural,” that can be understood intuitively? Or are they all Gödel sentences and large cardinal axioms: statements whose truthiness evokes indifference?
One example is Goodstein’s theorem, an elementary statement about arithmetic that is undecidable in PA. The theorem is provable in some extensions of PA, but it is false for the model we saw today. There are other examples of combinatorial or number-theoretic statements independent of PA, like the Paris-Harrington theorem or the termination of one-player hydra games.
Another way to think about independence is via the second incompleteness theorem. These statements require a certain countable ordinal to prove, the existence of which is enough to prove the consistency of PA itself. Thus they must be independent, as no system can prove its own consistency.
Combinatorial Set Theory, p. 42 ↩